Friday, 20 August 2010


Why is is that such a wonderful day can be the cause of so much stress?

I got married 2 years ago & had a fabulous day. I was calm and relaxed all morning - until walking down the aisle (but that's another story).But for my friends' weddings it's a whole other story!

Last week my friend, who I've known forever, got married and while I had my outfit ready, I didn't know what to do with my hair, I hadn't done my nails and was still rushing round first thing trying to get ready.

Tomorrow is another friend's wedding and for various reasons I am again completely disorganised! I have my dress, shoes and bag. I have no idea what to do with my hair, what jewellery to wear or how I'm going to do my make up. And while I would usually have plenty of time to get ready in the morning at this wedding my husband is best man. So we have the groom staying with us tonight and all of the ushers coming round in the morning for breakfast and to get their suits on. Which means that on top of it all I need to clean the house. Plus I am meeting the bride tonight for pre-wedding drinks, so can't spend tonight preening AND have spent the last few nights making the wedding favours (cookies) so haven't had time to practice, shop or plan!

Now I know that this is all largely down to me being completely disorganised and that at my own wedding I had everything planned - to the last detail - weeks before the big day and plenty of people round to do my hair, make up and dress me!

Having said all that - I love weddings!! I love getting ready and seeing everyone dressed up and I know that even if I did have everything planned to the 'T' something would go wrong. My necklace would break or my hair wouldn't go as it should.

I am looking forward to seeing all the boys in their suits tomorrow and being able to offer last minute wedding advice to the groom. The house will be busy & full with plenty of Champagne (& lager) and it'll feel (a little bit, I hope) like my wedding day again. :)

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