Happy New Year!
I am great at setting resolutions, but a bit rubbish at keeping them. I am however pretty good at writing AND ticking off items on a to do list...so this year instead of setting resolutions I will be be writing a to do list of what I want to achieve. It's more positive (in my opinion) and requires much less perceived willpower.
Usually new year's resolutions are to start or stop a habit, to try something new. I don't feel that I have the willpower to change my habits, it seems to huge a task to go from getting out of bed when I'm ready to getting up at 6am every day. (I know this is a personal thing that I should probably address soon.) It takes time and repetition to form habits and writing a to do list appears more manageable, for example, 'write one blog post this week' seems much more achievable than 'Write a blog post EVERY week!'
From this I reckon you can already guess 2 of my tasks....
1. Get up 10 minutes earlier tomorrow than I did this morning (7am).
2. Write one blog post this week (after this one!)
I am not setting myself loads to do this year but I reckon that if by the end of the month I am comfortable with getting up that little bit earlier it will lead to me having more time for task 2 and will help me to set myself some new tasks for February - yes, I am going to look at every new month as a new start & add a new task to my list....I am also planning the launch of a new venture in February, if all goes to plan, so may have my hands full anyway. :)
I am, however, setting myself a little challenge - 1 Dress, Many Oufits. I'm sure you can get the gist of what's going to happen, but I think it warrants it's own blog post..... < See, getting on to task 2 already (check!!)
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